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Kasane travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Kasane, Botswana!

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Travel guide to Kasane
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Being in Kasane is like already being in the Chobe National Park, as the park isn't fenced so it is possible to see animals walking through the town; just at the edge of town we found a herd of elephants and many baboons.

As African towns go Kasane is medium sized as it has many lodges drizzled along the Chobe River of various standars. The town has all the amenities that anyone would expect, like internet cafés, bureau de changes, banks, supermarkets, restaurants, post office, and a really large (and new) police station. Also I found a the bureau of anti-poaching force.

This is not a picturesque town but more functional; either way very little time is actually spent there. [edit text]  [editors]

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Thebe River Safaris

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