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Botswana's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 7 of 7 

Taking the Trans-Kalahari Highway  Uluru

I noticed a visible different between Botswana and Namibia; and that was people and livestock. As we...

Teeth, feet & fists. Unarmed in the bush on foot!  Uluru

And I highly recommend it! Eleven thousand trillion litres of water a year flood fifteen thousand sq...

Camping safari in Botswana  Uluru

Botswana has come to independence in 1966 and been a stable democracy since. After the discovery of...

The Moremi Wildlife Reserve  Uluru

Spurred by huge subtropical storms the Okavango River rises in central Angola, flows through the Cap...

Okavango Experience  Uluru

Maun, one can say, is the capital of the Okavango Region. The Okavango River rises from tropical Afr...

out and about in gabs 

Most travellers to Botswana tend to stick to the touristy nothern region of the country, visiting pl...

Out in Wild Africa  Uluru

Botswana was one of the nicest surprises we came across when we visited this country with it's frien...

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