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Cheryl's Guest Book

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Joined: Jun 11
Points: 947

Posted: 2011-06-12 02:42 PM   
My is miss zarrina
I am a girl please you can contact
Me directly to my inbox
So that i will send my photo directly to you
In my next mai


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Good to hear from you

Posted: 2008-01-03 01:02 PM   
Thank you for your message in my guest book.
You have opened up anew country for me - i had only known that Malawi was in Africa until I looked up the map now.
Ialso did not know that tea is obviously an important crop there
I look forward to learning more about your beautiful Country. Your plateau photo is superb.
kind regards


Joined: Jul 06
Points: 1155

Cheryl, got any photographs of the tea plantation & the lake?

Posted: 2007-12-27 03:09 AM   
Welcome aboard! I enjoyed your report and that it great that you already are participating. I joined over a year before I started exploring the website. I am not working so I have a lot of time on my hands.

Sounds like a wonderful trip and you seem to have had a great time.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Welcome Cheryl

Posted: 2007-12-24 08:23 AM   
Welcome to GLOBOsapiens and our wide world of travel and adventure. You live in a brave world which was my home for over 40 years (Parkmore), had a lot of friends and a church in Rivonia too.

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