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Uluru Legendary, once forgotten, now reinventing itself. 
Arriving from the Pudong International Airport was very easy. The 430 km/h magnetic train (¥50 sing... more

Uluru Shanghai Surprise 
I suppose the shock to the system was brought on from being in New Zealand for three weeks. After ge... more

Uluru The Beauty of Shanghai 
The great metropolis of SHANGHAI is currently undergoing one of the fastest economic expansions that... more

Uluru East Meets West in…Shanghai 
With its around 17 million inhabitants, Shanghai is a true metropolis. Being one of the largest citi... more

Uluru China's Reponse to Hong Kong: Shanghai 
I've been to Shanghai twice now in my 10 months in China. Both times, well I enjoyed myself but it d... more

Uluru Shanghai - The Heart of China, Old and New 
Shanghai, for me, wasn't just an exotic travel destination. It was my home and heritage. My mom bein... more

Uluru Shanghai feeling 
Shanghai is a nice city with great differences. You have the old Chinese Town, The Colonialistic bun... more

Uluru Apr & May 2008 in Shanghai, China. 
Shanghai airport from the air looks pretty large but that may perhaps be due to the scarcity of plan... more

Uluru Shanghai, the oriental beauty. 
Shanghai have a lot to offer as a city. I was there in June and i was really surprissed, i imagine a... more


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