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Australia's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 10 of 124 
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Could Sydney be the friendliest city in the world?  Uluru

I am now officially in love with Sydney. It is a perfect city. The downtown is clean and extremely w...

Canberra - Australia's Capital  Uluru

After the Commonwealth of Australia was established on 1 January 1901 there was the problem of decid...

A Brave New World  Uluru

I couldn't help smiling flying over Port Jackson (aka Sydney Harbour), as the pilot ushered me into...

Lighthouse at Finisterre (End of the World)  Uluru

My choice for this place was not a coincidence. I have always been fascinated by lighthouses, maybe...

Whitsunday Inseln - Die schönsten Strände der Welt  Uluru

Weihnachten 2003, 37 Grad im Schatten und schneeweiße Strände! Meine Reise quer durch den wohl auf...

An Arid Red Land  Uluru

The NORTHERN TERRITORY is a hot dry land and most of the inhabitants either live in DARWIN, ALICE SP...

More then the Barrier Reef  Uluru

The first Europeans to land in Cairns were Captain Cook and his crew in 1770 when navigation through...

Melbourne - the Paris of the Antipodes.  Uluru

Melbourne, the capital city of the State of Victoria, has been recently voted as one of the top thre...

Sydney - A Funky and Cosmopolitan City  Uluru

Though not the capital of Australia, Sydney is the most popular city in the state of New South Wales...

Mid Winter Getaway - Better than a book!  Uluru

We flew into Coolangatta airport at 8am on Friday morning. We shed our kiwi kathamandu warm gear and...

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