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Canada's best travel reports

Reports 11 - 20 of 107 
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In search of the Canadian Mountie  Uluru

Like mad tourists who only knew what they have been fed, we headed to Toronto with the hopes of seei...

Waterfalls o’ plenty  Uluru

Wells Gray Provincial Park is a waterfall lover’s dream. Located in the interior of British Columb...

The Lighthouse Route in Nova Scotia  Uluru

The Lighthouse Route along highway 3, from Yarmouth to Halifax, in Nova Scotia is filled with specta...

Perfect skiing 

Banff itself is a small town in Banff National Park. It is centred around a long main street, Banff...

My Sideways  Uluru

All of the Island's wineries combined have about 1,000 acres of grapes under production. Only a few...

In Victoria We Celebrate The People Who Live Here  Uluru

The Friday before the Dragon Boat Races, the Taoist priests “awaken the spirit of the dragon” in...

French Fort Cove Park  Uluru

To start lets talk briefly about Newcastle, which is actually a suburb of Miramichi city. In the ear...

Corner Brook and Gros Morne National Park  Uluru

Corner Brook is a typical paper mill town and an atypical setting. The paper mill with its belching...

Where The Dinosaurs Played  Uluru

When the dinosaurs were discovered on the badlands, (early 1900's), the Government go so excited the...

My Home Town  Uluru

The Hudson Bay Company started the village as an outpost to collect hides and furs. Lethbridge was n...

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