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China's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 10 of 92 
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Brand new old city  Uluru

The earliest recorded settlements of Beijing date from 1045 BC according to in Chinese historical so...

More than just the Terracotta warriors  Uluru

As one of the oldest cities in China, Xi’an is one of the so-called Four Great Ancient Capitals (t...

Magnificent capital of the Ming Dynasty. Nanjing.  Uluru

Although I was considering Nanjing for my initial holiday plan, I eventually dropped it from my itin...

China's ancient capital, Xi'an, still dazzles.  Uluru

I went to Xi'an with one purpose only. I wanted to see the Terracotta Army ordered by the First Empe...

Legendary, once forgotten, now reinventing itself.  Uluru

Arriving from the Pudong International Airport was very easy. The 430 km/h magnetic train (¥50 sing...

Following the pilgrims in Lhasa.  Uluru

Lhasa rose to prominence as an administrative center in the 7th century when Songten Gampo (king of...

The capital of Sichuan and its little treasures.  Uluru

The size of Sichuan's capital city was slightly overwhelming. I know that, as I ended up walking eve...

The Sky Train from Chengdu to Lhasa  Uluru

Building a railway to Tibet has been a dream and an obsession since Chairman Mao to every Chinese le...

A delightful and unusual mix of things. Macau.  Uluru

It took just under an hour to cross over to Macau. The immigration at the terminal was efficient and...

The Great Wall of China. Mutianyu Section.  Uluru

The Great Wall of Mutianyu is one of the three very popular sections of the wall, frequently visited...

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