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Estonia's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 10 of 10 

Stepping back in time; Estonia's medieval capital  Uluru

Tallinn, the famous Hanseatic town, is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Old Tallinn is l...

Bearing the -11C in the capital city of Estonia.  Uluru

I had absolutely no idea how exceptionally picturesque Tallinn is. I has never been advertised to be...

Medieval Splendour  Uluru

Tallinn's medieval centre, Vanalinn in Estonian, is almost traffic free and small enough to explore...

Baltic Surprise  Uluru

Estonia is probably the most successful former republic of the USSR. They have opened their doors to...


A day trip to Haapsalu town is enough to see its castle from 15th century and surroundings. The cast...


It´s only 130 kilometers from Tallinn to Pärnu, but we chose a longer route from West side of Esto...

Mideviel Villiage  Uluru

I only went to one area of Tallinn and that is the old town. I only had a few days here, so I got as...

Sagadi Manor Hotel & Restaurant  Uluru

If you want to visit the north of the Estonia, Sagadi Manor is a place for the amateurs of history....

Estonia Trip - April/May 2003 

This is the 2nd time I've gone to Tallinn, Estonia. This time it was solo and I defintely met a lot...

Once went to Tallinn. 

A visit to Tallinn was rather nice and sunny one day trip including roaming around the city. The tri...

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