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Pictures from Guatemala

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Lunar Landscape of Volcanic flows

Guatemala - Escuintla - San Vicente Pacaya2009-09-29 send as postcard
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As the sky darkened the Lava grew brighter

Guatemala - Escuintla - San Vicente Pacaya2009-09-29 send as postcard
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Morning on Lake Atitlan

Guatemala - Sololá - Panajachel2009-09-28 send as postcard
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Tikal's tallest temple, Temple V

Guatemala - Petén - Tikal2009-10-08 send as postcard
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Temples I, II and III in the mist

Guatemala - Petén - Tikal2009-10-08 send as postcard
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Reflects of soon to come rain

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Sunset from a Volcano

Guatemala - Escuintla - San Vicente Pacaya2009-09-29 send as postcard
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Temple IV view used in Star Wars

Guatemala - Petén - Tikal2009-10-08 send as postcard
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The last of the Day

Guatemala - Sololá - Panajachel2009-09-28 send as postcard
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Deep down inside!

Guatemala - Petén - Aguateca Archeological Park2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Sunrise in the Rain Forest

Guatemala - Petén - El Mirador Basin Preserve2010-06-15 send as postcard
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Colorful but Poisonous Caterpillar

Guatemala - Petén - El Mirador Basin Preserve2010-06-16 send as postcard
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Pretty girls in the garden

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Volcan Pacaya views of Volcan de Fuego

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2016-04-01 send as postcard
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Lava from Pacaya Volcano.

Guatemala - Chimaltenango - Pacayalito2008-03-12 send as postcard
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Weaver at her loom, finger a blur!

Guatemala - Huehuetenango - San Juan Atitlan2009-09-28 send as postcard
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Temple I from top of Temple II

Guatemala - Petén - Tikal2007-06-10 send as postcard
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East Temple - North Acropolis

Guatemala - Petén - Yaxha2007-06-11 send as postcard
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Yaxha in the Deep Mayan

Guatemala - Petén - Yaxha2006-01-12 send as postcard
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Regal Temple I from the front corner

Guatemala - Petén - Tikal2009-10-01 send as postcard

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