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Kyrgyzstan's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 4 of 4 

A very quiet town at the feet of giant mountains  Uluru

The town named after Nikolai Przewalski twice in the past, gladly adopted its historical name after...

A modern and pleasant capital of Kyrgyzstan  Uluru

I had high expectations from Kyrgyzstan and Bishkek. I heard great stories about the country landsca...

Around Issyk-Kul (Cholpon Ata and Grigorievka)  Uluru

Although I wrote that, I visited the country in a different way. I did an internship in Kazakhstan (...

Kyrgyzstan: Lake Issyk Kul, mountain sides of the Tien Shan, and...  Uluru

This is a report about a three weeks stay in Kyrgyzstan, about my first visit to Asia Minor. Coming...

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