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New Zealand's best travel reports

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Around New Zealand  Uluru

I read there are 10 things that I should do on my trip to New Zealand:

1. complete a b...

Rangitoto, National Taonga  Uluru

Before I moved to New Zealand, a friend grabbed me by the arm, looked into my eyes and said Remember...

Waiheke Island - Where Auckland goes to relax  Uluru

I have lived in Auckland for over 6 years and until this year I had not taken the time to visit Waih...

the perfect kiwi christmas holiday  Uluru

whanarua bay is about an hour north east of opotiki in the bay of plenty. when you leave opotiki, ke...

Akaroa, is a South island and means “long harbour”  Uluru

Akaroa is an historic French and British settlement situated in the heart of an ancient volcano on t...

Lord of the Rings' Middle Earth Country  Uluru

There are many pretty sights in and out of Queenstown. One of my favourite things to do was walk to...

The gateway to the Southern Alps and Fjords.  Uluru

I did not have specific plans for Queenstown, other than a day trip to the Milford Sound. I had a fl...

Coromandel, New Zealand 

There are many small towns in the area and this region is a mecca for holiday makers from all over N...

Christchurch-The English City in New Zealand  Uluru

Friends told us that Christchurch, South Island, is very English. We soon realized it when we witnes...

Christchurch - The Garden City  Uluru

Being a cosmopolitan city, the soul of the city lies in the Cathedral Sqaure and is best explored by...

About New Zealand
Reports (30) Travel tips (22)
Pictures (395) Members (208)
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