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Syria's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 7 of 8 

A Virtual Visit to Aleppo - The Crown Gem of Syria  Uluru

Aleppo is the Latin name for the city and its Arabic name is Halab. Aleppo plays a vital role in the...

Damaskus, die Schöne  Uluru

Damaskus liegt unter einem Deckel von Smog, der die Sonne verschwimmen läßt und das Atmen schwer m...

Aleppo, Syria, a journey into another world  Uluru

Expression of power is the ctadelle of Aleppo. Nobody knew the emperor, the faceless, because in thr...

Palmyra, Syria, the pink town in the desert  Uluru

Palmyra, the town of Zenobia, isn't to describe. She lies in all her greatness and beauty in the sun...

Syria revisited - Ma'alula and other magic places  Uluru

In Mar Sergio, high above Ma'alua, Pater Taufik of the Melchite- Roman Church pursues the goal of cl...

Dier ez-Zur: City on the Euphrates (In Progress!) 

While there may not be much in the way of tourist attractions, Deir ez-Zur stands out for me and oth...

Damascus along our way.  Uluru

Damascus, capital of the islamic replubic of Syria. Everywhere there are signs and statues of the ol...

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