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Joined: May 11
Points: 3

Saludos e Huanchaco

Posted: 2011-05-18 12:11 PM   
Hola Dani, te escribe Percy Valladares, presido la Casa de la Cultura de Huanchaco y estoy interesado en recopilar fotografìas de mi pueblo para una posterior muestra de la Historia de Huanchaco en imàgenes, la misma que los visitantes puedan visualizar y recrear el modo de vida del poblador huanchaquero.
Vi en tu album una foto de Huanchaco de 1987 tomada si no me equivoco desde el muelle de pescadores.
La consulta es si podrìas remitir a mi correo la fotografìa en mejor resoluciòn y si tiene algùn costo .
Mi mail es:
Seguro de contar con tu apoyo, me despido de tì con un abrazo.

Percy Valladares Huamanchumo.
Presidente Casa de la Cultura y Turismo del Distrito de Huanchaco.


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 6151

Hi Daniel.

Posted: 2010-08-04 01:15 PM   
It is refreshing to read your profile and activities after so many so called 'members' invaded the site recently, my best regards , Tony.


Joined: May 05
Points: 41629

Tiksi report

Posted: 2009-10-16 11:51 PM   
Thanks Daniel, for your favourable comments on my above mentionned report.
saludos from Spain


Joined: Sep 09
Points: 84


Posted: 2009-09-13 06:22 AM   
Hello My Dear!!

My name is Miss Linda, and I saw your profile today at ( and i become interested in you, Please My Dear I will like you to contact me back as soon as possible through my email address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am, I believe we can move from here. Please Remember colour or distance does not matter, but Love matters allot in life. Reply me back on time,

From Linda



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752


Posted: 2006-05-16 05:25 AM   
I have been thinking of visiting South Ameria again and seeing your 'Garganta del Diablo' picture makes me want to visit the top of the falls and spend more time there (and in the Amazon) exploring again,more than only three days there. Thanks for your motivation! RR


Joined: Jul 04
Points: 673

Argentinia pics

Posted: 2005-04-19 06:34 PM   
Hi Daniel,

Loved your pictures of looks like a very beautiful place.

I guess I always imagined Buenos Aries, and never realized how much natural beauty there is over there.

thanks for sharing.




Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752


Posted: 2005-04-15 05:12 PM   
Thanks, your pic of Lake Titicaca (ASL 12500 ft) at Puno brings back so many memories. I remember getting there, the lunch, and the trip out to the floating villages and more ...great!
Hope members know what they are really looking at!



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Great Daniel

Posted: 2005-04-02 08:51 PM   
I like your new pictures, particulaly the mountain, lake and "peekaboo" shots... Fantastic!


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 14003

hii from ravi

Posted: 2004-10-29 09:06 PM   
hii daniel,
i saw all your pic which u uploaded recently.
they are nice


Joined: Jun 02
Points: 20307

Kolkata -India, West Bengal

Posted: 2004-07-05 04:47 PM   
This new picture you've just uploaded, Kolkata -India, West Bengal, is great.. :-) It's alive! Many people are afraid are taking and uploading pictures of Human, yet they are so very interesting compared to the geography.
Talk to you soon

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