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Byron's Guest Book

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This is the way I see it: there are so many people out there who have lived what I want to live, so I came here in the hopes that they would share their secrets with me.

Entries 1 - 6 of 6 


Joined: Oct 04
Points: 246


Posted: 2005-01-28 08:48 AM   
By the way, I tried to share my secrets with you, you just wouldn't listen.........


Joined: Oct 04
Points: 246

What's up?

Posted: 2005-01-28 08:46 AM   
Dude! Don't know if you've been to Ramadi but it's the place to be! I'm sure you have though, now that I think about it. Anyway, I'm trying to check my email.... and I don't think it works.... Send me one at and reply to my guestbook whenever you do. You're the only one I know how to get ahold of by means other than my email.

I see that after knocking me for "checking" out Switzerland, you are doing the same with Australia.... Well, good luck with it. I see you're attracting a crowd already.

Also, you should definitely NOT have running as one of your intrests, especially when you know I can see the site. You should replace that with..... well, one of the other options that are available.

See ya later, hopefully I'll be back to Duke before you guys, but the way things are going, it looks unlikely.


Joined: Nov 04
Points: 326


Posted: 2005-01-24 05:38 PM   
howzit going? hear f rom u soon? hope so! syd!


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 974


Posted: 2005-01-18 07:46 AM   
Don't hesitate!!! Come on Mate!
Australia is waiting for you!!!!!


Joined: Oct 04
Points: 246

What the... who the???

Posted: 2005-01-17 01:59 PM   
Devilmaycare huh? Despite the fact that I am on here right now, it says you are too.... I wonder if I should invite you to chat. Anyway, about time you joined this site. Make sure to check out my reports in the future. See if you can keep up. Peace.


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 7304

Hi Byron

Posted: 2005-01-17 05:43 AM   
Nice to welcome a member who lives in the same time zone in the Pacific.



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