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Gary Lambert's Guest Book

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Joined: Aug 03
Points: 19539

River Walk Photo

Posted: 2005-08-05 05:50 PM   
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your river walk photo. Beautiful colors!




Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Welcome Gary

Posted: 2004-12-03 09:10 PM   
...with those first pictures that amaze us - excellent - got a good feeling too, heartly welcome!


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 10057

Dear Gary

Posted: 2004-12-03 02:48 PM   
Dear Gary
I had just went through your photography, and to tell you frankly
The are one of the best nature images I had ever seen .
I can’t even describe with a few words ,how striking they are.
And by the way ,I haven’t rated your report yet-if you will include
Some of your magnificent images ,then I would try to rated better.

Please upload some more of your great collection ,we all will enjoy!




Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785

hiya Gary!

Posted: 2004-12-03 12:47 AM   
your pics are great! i feel like flying over to norway now!
hope to see more from u! how about a report of your adventure??


Joined: May 02
Points: 8313


Posted: 2004-12-02 01:58 PM   
Hi Gary,

welcome to I saw that you already have uploaded lots of great pictures. One of them might even go for the picture of the month Dezember 2004. To be eligable for that, you should give your pix a title instead of an X. You can always go to the pix and click on the T icon for editing.

Have a great start on GLOBO.

Regards, Andy

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