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Mick's Restaurant

information about united-states  Atlanta - United States, Georgia

One of the best restaurants in Atlanta! There are different locations all over Metro Atlanta, but this is in the heart of it all. It is like a mix of 50s retro, 21st century modern, and 20s art deco. It has your basic americana food but with a contemporary and hot zest, such as the Jalepeño Burger. It tastes just like a burger but it has an almost cheesy jalepeño sauce to make it spicy. It is right across the street from a hospital, and Atlanta is known for its business and offices so it's a great watering hole for many lunch hour workers. It is a bit pricey but all cities are. It is a great restaurant.

Address: 557 Peachtree St.
United States
Phone: + 404 875 6425
Price: mid range

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