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Cano Negro Pictures 1 - 20 of 25 Page: 1 2

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Emerald Basilisk sunbathing

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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3 LARGE iguanas up a tree

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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And then it rained....

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Lovely Emerald Basilisk poses on a branch

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Casting a net for fresh wateshrimp

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Cormorant dries it's wings after a heavy rain

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Rosiate Spoonbill in the wetlands

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Cormorant Pair rests on a branch

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Going to be a monkey's Lunch! #2

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Monkey's Lunch! #3 last of the Basilisk

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Back at the Dock, a Fisherman casts

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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A turtle suns itself

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Albino Howler Monkey foraging for fruit

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Albino Howler closer up

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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White Faced CApuchin Monkey

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Three Toed Sloth from below

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Howler Monkey in blooming tree

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Deft hand of the fishman

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Flowering Trees at River's Edge

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard
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Going to be a monkey's Lunch! #1

Costa Rica - Alajuela - Cano Negro2011-03-02 send as postcard

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