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Vulcanic Hills speckle the Black Desert

Egypt - Maºrø± - Black Desert2008-06-18 send as postcard
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Karnak Temple - Ramses II with Fav Daughter

Egypt - Qinå - Luxor2008-06-22 send as postcard
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Thor's Hammer and other formations

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Beautiful Red Sea Coral Garden

Egypt - Janøb S¿nå' - Dahab2008-06-28 send as postcard
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Great Sphinx Face in profile

Egypt - Al J¿zah - Giza2008-06-25 send as postcard
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Sahara Sunset over Lake Siwa 2

Egypt - Maºrø± - Siwa2008-06-16 send as postcard
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Formations at Sunrise/Moonset

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Deeper coral mound

Egypt - Janøb S¿nå' - Dahab2008-06-28 send as postcard
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Swirl of Silver Tang spiral past

Egypt - Janøb S¿nå' - Dahab2008-06-28 send as postcard
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Dog wearing a Hat formation

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Temple of Dush from Fortress Ramparts

Egypt - Al J¿zah - Kharga Oasis2008-06-21 send as postcard
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Temple of Dush - doorways to the Desert

Egypt - Al J¿zah - Kharga Oasis2008-06-21 send as postcard
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The outside walls of St. Katherine's Monastery

Egypt - Shamål S¿nå' - St. Katherine2008-06-28 send as postcard
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Moon between formations

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Formations - Looking at my belly button and sphinx

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Mushroom Formations

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Pharohnic Cave in the desert

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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St. Katherine's Monastery from Mt. Sinai

Egypt - Shamål S¿nå' - St. Katherine2008-06-28 send as postcard
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Desert Abode

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard
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Silhouette at Sunset

Egypt - Maºrø± - White Desert2008-06-19 send as postcard

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