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eirekay's travel recommendations

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Antigua Canopy Tours

information about guatemala  Antigua - Guatemala, Sacatepéquez

Nothing beats flying through the rain forest on a zip line....unless it is flying through the rain forest on a zip line on a coffee plantation!!! We chose the 7 platform forest tour over the 2 platform canyon tour - just not brave enough for the 500 foot drop. The views were spectacular but best of all, the staff is really safety oriented and inspires complete trust. There is a beautiful 45 minute drive to the top of the mountain in an open air truck before you begin your Zip Line descent. Those not willing to "fly" can walk the forest trail and watch the zip liners overhead. Go for the mid-morning or late afternoon tour so that you can have lunch - the food is marvelous! And the COFFEE!

Address: Finca Filadelphia
Phone: + 0502 4010 6592
Price: mid range

eirekay 's travel tips
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    San Pedro La Laguna (1)
    El Mirador Basin Preserve (1)
Costa Rica
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