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Bedouin Camp

information about egypt  Dakhla Oasis - Egypt, Al J¿zah

There were a number of different offerings in all price ranges at Bedouin Camp:
Traditional hotel rooms w/ private baths and TV.
Hillside Beehives literally carved into the moutain - very cool in the summer heat! Private baths and TVs.
Roof top huts made from palm stems w/ very nice cots- very breezy. Shared baths and showers.
Bedouin style enclosures w/ roof, open sides, low walls w/mats and pillows.
We chose the Beehives which were roomy, cool and comfy. There is an on site restaurant which provided a nice buffet breakfast. You can choose to eat Bedouin style on the floor, which was my preference!

Address: Mut El Qasr Highway
Dakhla Oasis
Al J¿zah
Phone: + 092-7850480
Price: budget

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