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Five Sisters Lodge

information about belize  San Ignacio - Belize, Cayo

Five Sisters is in Mountain Pine Ridge, outside of San Ignacio. The cabanas are comfortable but not plush. Each has a screen balcony with hammock. Although electricity is available, we used the oil lamps in the room becuase it was so much more in keeping with the atmosphere. The Lodge sits right above Five Sisters Falls, so a quick hike down the cliffs will drop you into swimable pools of water, complete with rocks to dive off. We recommend that you include meals - Food was GREAT, reasonable and the lodge is a ways from anything else. Mountain bikes are available to take a quick trip to Big Rock Falls or several other destinations. Five Sisters arranged our tours to Barton Creek, Rio Caves and Jaquar Paw, and did a fantastic job!

Address: PO Box 173, San Ignacio, Cayo
San Ignacio
Phone: + 011-501-820-4005
Price: budget

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