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eirekay's travel recommendations

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Indover Tours

information about india  Delhi - India, Delhi

Indover planned a private tour for us, using a single driver for 12 consecutive days, and then a second one for several more days when we went to another state, and selecting fantastic hotels (mostly Heritage properties) and guides throughout our trip. We had a fantastic driver (Mr. Sham) who pulled over for all kinds for photo taking - he knew we liked animals so every monkey and camel presented an opportunity. We had terrific guides and everything was handled very professionally. The trip was beyond our every expection! Private Driver is absolutely the way to go!

Address: Office No. 4 1st Floor C.S.C B - Block
Phone: + 00 91 11 3950 3302
Price: mid range

eirekay 's travel tips
Page: 1 2 3
    Guatemala City (1)
    Chichicastenango (1)
    Panajachel (2)
    San Pedro La Laguna (1)
    El Mirador Basin Preserve (1)
Costa Rica
    Quepos (1)
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