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eirekay's travel recommendations

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Legion of Honor

information about united-states  San Francisco - United States, California

As museums go, the Legion of Honor is somewhat smallish, which makes it just the right size for an afternoon visit. The collections, housed in 16 rooms, span a 4,000 year period. They feature everything from reconstructed 16th century palace salons to a marvelous room of impressionist paints. 13th century furniture and tapestries are across the hall from two rooms of Rodin pieces. The cross section of mostly European art makes this museum perfect for kids and non-enthusiasts - each room is distinctly different. The basement floor offers exhibits focused mostly on more modern topics. Best of all, the main courtyard contains Rodin's Thinker, and the hill top locations has fantastic views of both the city skyscrapers and the Golden Gate Bridge!

Address: 34th Avenue & Clement Street
San Francisco
United States
Phone: + 415.750.3600
Price: budget

eirekay 's travel tips
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