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Luxor Museum - A MUST SEE!

information about egypt  Luxor - Egypt, Qinå

While most museums in Egypt are a conglomeration of poorly displayed and little detailed riches, this is the exception. Where the Egyptology Museum in Cairo is overwhelming in content, housed in century old display cases and features little or no labeling, the Luxor Museum is modern, well compiled and brilliantly detailed. The Military Annex has wonderful displays of bows, arrows, catapults, chariots, the works. The main museum contains parts of the Luxor Cache, a vault located under Luxor Temple in the 1990s that contained the removed items over centuries of additions. Sort of a basement of riches.

GO BEFORE TOURING THE VALLEY OF THE KINGS because there are blueprints, yes blueprints! of the tombs carved on rock tablets. There are also construction devices such as plumbs and t-squares, similar to what is used today. Don't miss this marvelous treasure trove! $10US, half price for students.

Address: Corniche el-Nil
Phone: + open daily October-April 9am-1pm and 4pm-9pm, May-September 9am-1pm and 5pm-10pm
Price: budget

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