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Pension Natividad

information about philippines  Manila - Philippines, Manila

Located in Ermita, near Manila Bay (to breath air), very friendly staff, courtyard and travellers always around.
The noisy Mabini Rd and the Adriatico are very near, but fortunally the traffic is not that much outside the Hotel, to find your sleep without a case of SMB.
For anything else, there are plenty of 7eleven or other 24hrs shops just around.
Its only 200m away from Hyatt Hotel and the Roxas Blvd.
Domestic and Intl Airport is about 5km away and mostly without traffic to reach.
Very convenient to spend a day between your travels.
Close on Mabini Rd is a direct bus service to Puerto Galera/ Sabang - SIKAT - includes the ferry...

Address: 1690 MH del Pilar St
Phone: + 0063.2.5210524
Price: budget

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