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Tallinn travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Tallinn, Estonia!

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Travel guide to Tallinn
Cathedral 3
Cathedral 3
There must be more to Tallinn then the old town, but a visit there won't leave you disappointed. It really is an incredible medieval centre with many Estonians around and about to make you feel welcome. It only takes an hour and half by ferry from Helsinki. The main town square has many restaurants and dining al fresco is popular. There are also some medieval establishments which is well worth trying especially the elk soup. [edit text]  [editors]

Tallinn's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (7)    Travel tips (3)    Pictures (79)    Members (23)

Travel reports on Tallinn

Author Rating Date
Stepping back in time; Estonia's medieval capital 
Tallinn,  Estonia 
mistybleu  rating  2017-05-31
Bearing the -11C in the capital city of Estonia. 
Tallinn,  Estonia 
krisek  rating  2008-12-16
Medieval Splendour 
Tallinn,  Estonia 
marianne  rating  2006-08-23
Baltic Surprise 
Tallinn,  Estonia 
voyager  rating  2002-07-12
Mideviel Villiage 
Tallinn,  Estonia 
sven_ak  rating  2002-09-19
more travel reports on Tallinn (7)

Travel tips on Tallinn

picture place / location rating / by member
Kolmas Draakon [The Third Dragon]

Kolmas Draakon [The Third Dragon]

Estonia - Tallinn mistybleu
Tallinn Backpackers

Tallinn Backpackers

Estonia - Tallinn tbrickell


Estonia - Tallinn marianne

About Estonia
Reports (10) Travel tips (8)
Pictures (122) Members (47)
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