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Ferric's Guest Book

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What's up everybody!! Welcome to my guestbook. Feel free to write some opinions of my travel logs, suggestions on places to go, restaurants to check out, sites to see, etc... I want to hear what you think! :)

Entries 1 - 4 of 4 


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 958

hi ferric

Posted: 2010-04-11 05:08 AM   
excellent photograph of bridge.


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 6151

Hi Ferric,

Posted: 2009-08-22 10:36 AM   
I'm pleased to accept your friendship and hope that you will be able to find the time to tell me a little about the area of Canada that you live in, Kind Regards, Tony.


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 6151

Pen Pals

Posted: 2009-08-21 11:47 PM   
Hi Ferric, I have always been happy to exchange ideas and comments with other folks regardless of age or gender, communication is the life blood of the human race maybe we should all do more of it, my home location is not generally regarded as 'exotic' by any means but I would be very happy to hear from you, I always reply to all mail, except spam!, Kindest Regards, Tony.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Mabuhay Ferric

Posted: 2005-01-27 09:24 AM   
Heartly welcome, your first picture truely brilliant *****, ...have noted it for the Forums "THEME-reflection" and "Night-Shots"

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