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André's Guest Book

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Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785

not voting your report as yet

Posted: 2006-04-10 02:25 PM   
hiya andre
i was enjoying your short report and more so bec you brought your daughter with u. i hope u can add more details and pics to your report in the near future. as such, i wont rate it for now.


Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248

Memphis report

Posted: 2006-04-09 11:41 PM   

Good to see that you are back again. That must have been great you together with a six-year old. Your report about Memphis started in a very interesting way, but then it seemed as if you lost inspiration.
You know that you can write your report in several sessions. Just don't click on: 'publish this report' and you can go back to it any time. But you can still do so when you click on: edit this report.
I didn't rate your report because once ratings are given they cannot be changed.
Here is a useful link:
Let me know when you have added more to you report so that I can read and rate it.

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