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Spitting Fire's by frenchfrog

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information about china  ChengduChina, Sichuan
Spitting Fire at the Sichuan Opera
Uploaded: Nov, 02 2008 | Taken: Sep, 07 2008| Viewed: 108 times  | 12 votes
Camera: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D40X | Exposure 10/5000s, ISO 400 | FLength: 120mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

pesu - Nov, 02 2008 05:11pm
Wow, great pic!......................

aufgehts - Nov, 02 2008 10:11pm
An extraordinary pic...possibly the next POM?

mistybleu - Nov, 03 2008 09:11am
Isabelle, this is really great, what a perfect picture. Yes I would definitely vote for this to be POM.

plancarpin - Nov, 03 2008 10:11am
oui oui, moi aussi!!your pic is magical!

yuliangpang - Nov, 03 2008 04:11pm
this is just part of the opera, you must see the magic, changing the face mask quickly. That's one even more popular.

frenchfrog - Nov, 03 2008 04:11pm
yes the changing of the mask is impressive, I have photos, but really I wished I had a video....Thanks your coments

rangutan - Nov, 10 2008 12:11pm
China produces the best circus artists, this excellently captured.

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