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Punaka Pictures 1 - 13 of 13 

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Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Dochu La Pass 2

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-25 send as postcard
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Central Tower

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Nice view over Punaka Dzong

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-21 send as postcard
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Dochu La pass

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-25 send as postcard
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The Golden Door

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Craft Window

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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The hidden exit

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Punaka Szong: monastic quarter

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Punaka Dzong: first courtyard

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard
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Arriving in Punaka

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-21 send as postcard
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Monastic Courtyard

Bhutan - Punakha - Punaka2006-09-22 send as postcard

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