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Elmina travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Elmina, Ghana!

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Travel guide to Elmina
Elmina Beach
Elmina Beach
Elmina, a small town on the Western Coast, is home to arguably the oldest European structure in the Sub-Saharan Africa, the Castle of St George. However the small chapel on the Mozambican island, Ilha de Mocambique, claims the same title. Elmina's fort was established there for slave trading, and it was owned by several European nations throughout the years. It is a magnificent and ghastly structure positioned dramatically at the rocky part of the coast and overlooking three beaches and the fishing harbour. The town has examples of grand mansions, which had been restored by the European Union. When the reconstructions completes and the streets are cleaned from rubbish, it will make Elmina one of the most striking little towns in West Africa. The beaches around the town are fantastic and the people are exceptionally friendly. There is an interesting church and smaller fort St Jago at the top of the hill. [edit text]  [editors]

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Elmina - the slave castle and football teams 
Elmina,  Ghana 
krisek  rating  2008-02-26

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Ghana - Elmina krisek

Coconut Grove Bridge House

Ghana - Elmina krisek

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