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Jessica's Guest Book

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Ciao! I hope you're enjoying my photos and my reports....please, feedback!! =)

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Joined: May 03
Points: 8634

Peru photos

Posted: 2004-11-30 12:07 PM   

I want to thank you for these wonderful photos of Peru. I am envious that I was unable to join you, though. South America is my favorite place to travel. If you have not done so, make an effort to visit the cataratas de Iguasu in Argentina and Foz do Iguazu in Brazil. Also, check out Isla de Margarita in Venezuela. Take a trip to the Canaima National Park from there. THose are two of my other favorites. Keep posting more of those wonderful photos.




Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Hi Jessica

Posted: 2004-11-30 11:07 AM   
Welcome home again :-)
Your Peru shots are great, I like culture and diversity in picture series, theses whould make a great slideshow (album). More?
Machu Picchu is one of the best ive seen of the ruins.

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