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Posted: 2006-12-08 21:13:00  
I think that it is time to remove the negative red note in gloriajames page regarding the penalty. It is enough to have deducted 1000 points for taking other pictures, but that was due to her enthusiasm to show us beautiful pictures.
I do not know, I am writing from Chechnya, I do not know yet how I will go out from here whithout being punished for entering illegally. For me, gloriajames behaviour is nonsense compared with what I am seeing here in this tragic part of the world.
Regards to everybody reading this text. --- Bonum est faciendum et prosequendum, et malum vitandum.
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Posted: 2006-12-08 22:20:00  
I think that was not a so big event, here is internet, so how can we be sure that who took those pics? Maybe I can say I took those pics or someone else, who can know exactly... We should be serious in the community but I think we should not make someone unhappy for these small events in our "two days life". I really missed Gloria.
regards --- Burak
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Posted: 2006-12-09 08:29:00  
Thanks Burak.
I have noticed reading the reports that most (I mean MOST) of them have copied large fragments of history and other parts from boks and tourist brochures. Perhaps what Gloria did is noit correct, but the way the owner of the pics addressed to Gloria calling her thief, is not a proper way for a lady. We do not get paid for our collaboration here. but want to express our enthusiasm of our travels to others. Internet is open and most people use it and copy things. There are many more serious things in life. I would request the management to think about removing the shameful red line in her activities, otherwise her mother or other family Gloria members could see it.
I hope thet the management will listen me. In Spanish we say, el que este libre de culpa que lance la primera piedra.
Thanks in advance. --- Bonum est faciendum et prosequendum, et malum vitandum.
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Posted: 2006-12-09 10:19:00  
Jorge, I have the same feeling and have stated similar believing that this is a wrong doing that was to be corrected. But now, that it is all clear and the complaintant satisfied, we should forgive and forget the incident and only learn from it! You say all do it but this GLOBO is not to become another Wiki~, we must strive for originality and quality and if it happens again punish (small) infringements of our agreed "Terms and Conditions", too incourage the others that always upload ONLY ORIGINAL stuff, otherwise state sources, text or statistics not so much being also from word-of-mouth, but specially images!
I miss Gloria too, so very much and hope she's back again oneday!
RR [ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2006-12-09 10:23 ] --- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
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Posted: 2006-12-09 14:34:00  
[QUOTE]I have noticed reading the reports that most (I mean MOST) of them have copied large fragments of history and other parts from boks and tourist brochures[END QUOTE]
Sorry to disagree but this is grossly overgeneralised and unfair to members. SOME copy from websites, brochures etc. definitely not MOST.
If you notice copied fragments you could tell the writer privately that this is not done at GLOBO, but only if you have hard proof. That way we are sure of high quality content.
[ This Message was edited by: marianne on 2006-12-09 14:39 ] --- “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson
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Posted: 2006-12-10 01:06:00  
I want to chime in with Marianne. One of the things I enjoy most about reading reports on Globo is that they are original and give a personal prospective. I think many of us will go back and re-read from travel books and journals, or check the internet, when writing reports, to make sure we have facts correct, but I don't see much I think is copied word-for-word.
With regards to Gloria, I miss her too - she was always so positive, appreciative, and full of encouragement. We need that. I do find the difference in the response to Gloria's misdeed to that of Mrs. Canada, interesting from a social point of view. I find myself mirroring the general perspective - our attachment to Gloria is much stronger and therefore more wanting to forgive.
Lastly, I agree with Jorge that the points penalty is enough and the redline notice should be removed. We should all move on and hope that Gloria rejoins us.
Eire [ This Message was edited by: eirekay on 2006-12-22 01:43 ] --- Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Profile Pic: Tikal, Guatemala
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Posted: 2006-12-11 11:43:00  
While I do agree about the 'individuality'/personal touch in reports, I must also agree that Gloria has spent a lot of time here and I miss her participation because she always found time to leave a positive note, to appreciate and to greet.
Would really love to have her back on this website.
While, in a community, and for the respect of basic values, a penalty was the mandate, I believe that it is time to move on and hope that she joins us soon.
Best regards,
Akhila --- Back with a blast... been such a long time since I was here.. so much to upload ..
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Posted: 2006-12-11 15:41:00  
Hi there,
interesting discussion. As for now I have not received any email from gloria to my many emails asking her for her point of few, and a comment. She just did nothing. Of course I would also like to see her on GLOBO, but I do not see a posibility to move on until there is at least any action from her. We can discuss that red line of course but not at this moment. She could for example earn her reputation back, but why should we remove the red notice if she is not shoing any reaction at all. She did nothing to ease the situation so far. So I believe it is up to her to earn her way back into blue oceans.
Regards, Andy
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Posted: 2006-12-11 16:57:00  
I agree with Andreas
As a listed friend, i sent two messages through the contact option, both positive and non-judgemental. So far there is only the sound of silence. We should move on and forget. Presently some new and startlingly excellent member will appear as so often happens in life and globo.
kind regards
--- Hugh
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Posted: 2006-12-11 17:20:00  
I've been a bit out of the travel loop this year, and somehow missed this whole gloriajames incident, but I am sad to learn of it now.
I would like someone to define this term "point grabbing" to me... it seems more generalized than "posting photos other than your own."
In the past I have enjoyed a high point score, which I acheived by spending A LOT of time online here, reading and responding to reports, reaching out to new members, making friends, as well as posting as many photos as I am allowed and writing reports.
So what is involved with "point grabbing?" Is it only posting content that is not your own, or is it more extensive than that? Does anyone have a clear definition?
Liz --- travel inspiration & information at whereisliz.com
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