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Posted: 2007-11-02 16:57:00   

Hello fellow GLOBO members,

I would like to ask you for your support in one matter. There is a third party tool that you can integrate into your browser called "Alexa". That tool indicates how popular a site is. So everywhere you go you can have an idea how many people are visiting the site. The point is every visit you make is a vote for that site. It is not clear and official, but there are also rumors that this will affect search results in Google as the company is searching for new ways to find how relevant a page is.

By installing that toolbar in your browser you also get some advantages like pop up blockers etc. The main advantage however is that you help GLOBO grow and most possibly get GLOBO higher up in the search results of the main search engines which will automatically result in more new users joining.

More info and instructions can be found here:

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,


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Posted: 2007-11-02 17:11:00   

Hi Andy

I haven't read anything about your suggested add on.

This sounds like some software that follows me around and tells my habits of surfing to a central server... I'm not that fond of such things. Sounds like "1984".

Call me paranoid, it's just a feeling I have.


[ This Message was edited by: mortimer on 2007-11-02 17:14 ]

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!

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Posted: 2007-11-02 17:23:00   

Hello Martin,

the software is sending this info that is right. Otherwise it would not work. I can see your concern, however I am sure that those kind of info is already transfered from your computer to central serves. Just not that one. Let me ensure you "big google" is watching you where ever you go! The times of anonymous Internet surfing are over. The new web will track you and know exactly what you are doing. That sounds bad to you? Well from the stats I can tell you that those people who are for example using anonymizers to hide the identity are to over 95% spammers. Future updates at GLOBO will exclude people that hide their IP Adress with software as there is only trouble with such people (Example the anoing Nigerian connection e-mails)

The internet used to be anonymous, but remember it is a brand new medium. It is adjusting. Nobody can see that anoying spam anymore, and many other downsides. Some sites like facebook, StudiVZ, Xing require you even to submit your full name. Result is that the bad guys keep away and those who have nothing to hide will have a much more enjoable experience with nicer people around them... oh well where am I going with this... just forget it :-) Weekend is around the corner. Time to go home :-)

Best regars,


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Posted: 2007-11-02 17:25:00   

I downloaded the software as suggested but immediately the Mc Afee protection raised a red flag concerning spyware.

Is it certain that the Google ranking will be affected or is it an unsupported claim on the part of the software supplier?

In general my experience of free sofware is that adware and orspyware are usually included.

If there is a way to help I will be glad to learn



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Posted: 2007-11-02 17:38:00   

I believe the red flag is due to the fact that the bar is submittin info on your surfing habbits like explained before. The alexa bar is used by millions of people and is the market leader in it's field. About the google ranking, this is just a rumor as nobody knows exactly how they do it. I believe it does. Also any potential client who want's to buy adspace on GLOBO will look first on the Alexa indicator:

The funny thing is that by doing so they are increasing the ranking. So sites with higher alexa ranking might also be a spiral to higher ratings. The more popular a site, the more marketing people look at it, they all have it installed and the bar rises higher. It's just a bit tricky to get the thing from the bottom to relevancy :-) I am personally using the plugin for firefox. That might be an alternative to try out if you are using firefox:

Best regards,


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Posted: 2007-11-02 20:13:00   


I followed that last url with the intention of giving it a try. I saw someone had raised a question in English and clicked on it. That gave me the English version of the site but also the query. I hsould be grateful for your comments on that before I use it.



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Posted: 2007-11-07 12:37:00   

I installed the Alexa Tool on Saturday and see no problem with it, also my Norton-Symantec security package accepts it. I notice a second of delay in opening some pages and the tool might effect the speed of slower modems and older PCs?

Andy, the link for seeking GLOBO's data above doesn't work. Alternatively, go to first and type in in the search field at the top of the page, then click on the graph.

Interesting to see that we have more visitors from India than from Germany and more from the Philippines than from Canada! The general data and statistics are amazing too.

GLOBO's ranking on the internet for ALL countries (3-month average):

2007-09-12 #95,121

2007-10-09 #88,364

2007-11-22 #72,747

2007-12-04 #62,852

2008-01-12 #52,471

2008-02-01 #51,503

2008-06-01 #49,861 (latest ranking)

[ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2008-06-01 09:40 ]

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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Posted: 2007-11-20 14:01:00   

Hello everybody,

thank you for your replies and your support. The posting is now a few days old and some might have installed that plugin (thank you Rudi, Hugh, etc.). The results are pretty impressive as I believe. You can have a look at the graphic showing a tremendous increase on the Alexa graph:

(if the link does not work due to the formating, copy and paste it into a new browser window)

Let's see how far we can take that thing up!

Best regards,


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Posted: 2007-11-23 19:01:00   

I have tried but rarely use the promotional features shown at the bottom of reports, yet I know that they could promote GLOBOs image and rating too!!!:

- ""

- and "Digg this"

Are they useful too? Help! Experiences?


Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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Posted: 2007-12-21 11:39:00   

I found this very interesting: the website (part of the Alexa group) archives homepages and their content over years. You will find old-look GLOBOmainpages too showing how well it has developed over the years:*/

There first seemed to be a bug there, the images of any website seem to disappear after a few seconds. If one disables Java in the browser option the pictures are from the originally saved file. With Java the page tries to fetch the picture from the GLOBOserver. Funny it fetches the current 24-hour review anyway! REMEMBER TO REACTIVATE JAVA AFTER USING THIS ARCHIVE otherwise some functions on other pages, like rating, won't work!

F.A.Q: Why are there no recent archives in the Wayback Machine?

It generally takes 6 months or more for pages to appear in the Wayback Machine after they are collected, because of delays in transferring material to long-term storage and indexing.

[ This Message was edited by: rangutan on 2007-12-21 12:44 ]

Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner

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