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Posted: 2006-10-07 03:06:00  
Recently I have noticed photos within reports that are "lifted" from other websites. I have been able to identify a couple of websites they have been lifted from. I have passed on doing a number of reports for which I don't have digital photos (in other words anywhere I went to before 2003). I have a couple of questions:
1) Are there copywrite issues that need to be addressed? Will Globo suffer any injury as a result of the use of these photos?
2) Is there an internal policy regarding such use?
I would never want to discourage or preclude anyone from sharing a travel experience. I think we all have something to contribute. That said, I also don't want Globo to incur problems, nor do I want a visitor to our site to judge us as being in-authentic as a result of such "lifting", in some cases done in an obvious manner (otherwise I would never have picked up on it).
Eire --- Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Profile Pic: Tikal, Guatemala
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Posted: 2006-10-07 06:13:00  
Thank you for noticing too. I now know I am not alone. This sad fact has caused me to to be put off GLOBO recently, it makes our honest hard work at GLOBO seem meaningless and has caused me to react negatively recently. Sad also since staff are not really interested in accepting that it is a problem and advised me to rather take a break and stop policing the site! I really hope we can solve this because I otherwise enjoy 99% of the travel information here so much.
RR --- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
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Posted: 2006-10-07 10:56:00  
Hi Eire
A good point. And in the terms and conditions it's clearly explained look here: http://www.globosapiens.net/about/090000.html
Section 6:
By submitting Content to the Web-site, you warrant that:
* (a) you are the owner of such Content, or have been granted all the rights necessary from the Content owner to submit such Content to the Web-site
* (b) the use of such Content by Globosapiens.net will not infringe the intellectual property rights of or otherwise violate the rights of any third party.
Section 7:
You agree that you will not use the Web-site to:
# submit, post, upload, or otherwise transmit any Content that infringes or otherwise violates the rights of any third party, including without limitation privacy rights and proprietary rights;
I think these statements really explain most of the said issues.
Members who steal content from others just to get more attention or points should be deleted!
My 2 cts
Martin --- Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!
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Posted: 2006-10-07 16:01:00  
This activity is unacceptable not just on Globo but as a matter of universal nettiquette.
It needs to be actioned by Globo staff immediately it is noticed.
For members who wish to share their experience with us it s easy to insert the relevant link to the url
hugh --- Hugh
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Posted: 2006-10-07 17:57:00  
Hello Eire,
I know this is a difficult topic. The more GLOBOsapiens grows the harder this is to track. There are sites on the net which base their entire success on breaking copyright rules. For example myspace and youtube. Members there just simply use any song, any movie, tv show whatever and upload. Especially junger and not so educated persons as well do not know that this is against the law. So they just upload. That is not desirable.
For GLOBO this is extremly hard to track as there is loads of content around. As for contents of the month I am very suspicious now and do investigate the reports in question indivdiually before they get awarded. The other "mass" of reports is hard to check, especially the photos.
I already reminded member x of that issue (I guess we are talking about the same person) and it made the impression to me that the new content is not stolen.
Remember also some members publish on more sites than GLOBOsapiens so that content might be theirs anyway.
If anyone identifies lifting without doubt please send me a message over the feedback button including the links and a description where exactly the text or picture is. Please be exactly as possible so it will be easy for me to see what you see.
What I think does not make sense is going around at GLOBO and searching for such content. What makes me suspicous is mostly if a memer has an extraordinary amount of reports published within a short time and tries to get attention by that.
As you see, a difficult topic! Usually if a company notices that their material has been stolen they send a warning and a remove request. That happend once since 2002.
However publishing content from others and claiming that it is theirs is unfair against the other members.
Please send me the info and I will intercept.
Best regards,
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Posted: 2006-10-07 18:34:00  
Andy tells us active and honest members, to be vigilant and denounce any offending member with hard proofs. Links to the pictures or detailed textpassages that are copied from other sites.
It really is a shame that some people need to try to impress by all means and are coldblooded enough to stick to their lies even if they are found out. Or is it stupidity.
Anyhow those members are just a nuisance and we should get rid of those parasites. They are not worthy to be treated in the same way as those hard working honest people amongst our members. Who share their best work and try to edit and reedit their contributions so that they seam to be as good as possible.
I think it's a matter of decency and dignity to be fair and honest. Let those among us who are honest and try to be fair stand together and fight back those nuisances. We are GLOBOsapiens, so lets fight for our assets.
Just some thoughts that came to my mind...
Martin --- Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!
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Posted: 2006-10-08 21:23:00  
Just a thought that came to my mind:
Should we go back to the me in ... picutres, like that at least it's more ore less sure the person has been there....?
--- Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!
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Posted: 2006-10-09 03:14:00  
You bring up an interesting point. We all have pictures of ourselves in the places we've been, but I am not sure how you make it a requirement. I've used personal shots at times - my reports on Tikal, Puerto Vallarta, Jaisalmer all have personal shots, as do some of my travel tips.
In this instance, my concern is that some of the photos come off publicity sites, and they probably don't mind the extra publicity, but four of the shots come from someone else's quasi eductional site and are referenced as personal photos. How would I feel if some one claimed my photos? I would share them if asked, and if credited, but otherwise, I would mind - they are part of my personal experience.
My two cents,
Eire --- Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Profile Pic: Tikal, Guatemala
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Posted: 2006-10-09 11:36:00  
The "me in" was not really meant seriously, you know clearly how I think about those pics.
Sorry to have caused a little uncertainity
Martin --- Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy it!
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