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El Mirador Basin Preserve travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on El Mirador Basin Preserve, Guatemala!

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Travel guide to El Mirador Basin Preserve
Sunrise in the Rain Forest
Sunrise in the Rain Forest
The El Mirador Basin is an eco preserve that houses the oldest known Mayan Ruins, including the world's largest pyramid, La Danta. A trek through the highlights of the Basin takes 5-6 days, linking 5 different ruin sites ranging in age from 3,100BC to 900AD, and housing between 10,000 to 100,000 people in their prime. As amazing as the ruins, the wildlife runs from coral snakes and scorpions to monkeys, toucans and jaguars. As you hike, concentrating on the two meters ahead of you, you will hear movement in the dense forest to your right and left. As one guide put it, as long as it is not moving with you, it's nothing to worry about.

While most of the ruins are unexcavated, they can still be scaled and it doesn't take much of an imagination to look out from the top of a 85 meter structure and see the Mayan world as it once was. I had a sunrise or sunset on top of a pyramid each and every day of my trek - can't beat that! [edit text]  [editors]

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Sunrise on the World's Largest Pyramid 
El Mirador Basin Preserve,  Guatemala 
eirekay  rating  2010-08-17

Travel tips on El Mirador Basin Preserve

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Monkey Eco Tours

Guatemala - El Mirador Basin Preserve eirekay

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