I wonder if it's the same Josh I used to date. You lived in Tooting Broadway London England and I had just moved over from Vanccouver Canada. We both knew Lemmy from Motorhead.
Posted: 2005-10-06 02:06 PM  
I enjoyed the wonderful pictures that you have posted on this website and in particular liked the "waiting for the sun".
(I love watching clouds and this picture with the windmills is fabulous)
Posted: 2005-06-19 06:02 AM  
Hi Martells,
Greetings from India. Hope you are enjoying Globo. I was enjoying your high class fotos very very much. Carry on with the wonderful work. Take crae,
Kris Kandath
Posted: 2005-02-01 02:46 PM  
Mabuhay (welcome) to GLOBO. Your pics from the Philippines are a true pleasure... i like Chocolate Hills specially.
NB: The Rice Fields (thousands of years in construction)are rightfully a UNESCO world heritage site.
Posted: 2005-02-01 12:37 PM  
You been diving in the philippines? - Sabang, Palawan, Bohol... must be really nice and extremly divable???
One of my next travel destination!
Thanks, Ralph