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32 - In the Camino there are Cathedrals's by jorgesanchez

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information about spain  Santiago de CompostelaSpain
This is one of the most beautiful Cathedrals in Spain. It is a pity that Globo member davidx does not like it.

Personally I love the one in Leon for the reason that the lovely stained glass windows are considered among the best in Europe. Externally no one can be compared with Burgos Cathedral. The greatest (and also stunningly beautiful) is in Sevilla, and the richest in Toledo (it shelters a museum with hundreds of paintings of El Greco, Goya, Velazquez, Rubens and other outstanding artists, and is sometimes called the little Prado).
Uploaded: Feb, 02 2008 | Taken: Feb, 01 2008| Viewed: 103 times  | 5 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/446s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

davidx - Feb, 03 2008 08:02am
Jorge - I know well that I am in a minority. I have not yet been to Burgos but I can join your praise for Seviila, Leon and Toledo.
I can't help my personal feelings about this one but they are not logical. In general I think I only like styles of this period when they are simple but then the Jeronimos basilica at Lisbon goes against this.

Not so many years ago I disliked almost all Baroque architecture - so I am changing. Perhaps one day - - -. Meanwhile I find it looming and threatening Very good photo, though.

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