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8…Oh, what I saw was beyond imagination!...'s by jorgesanchez

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information about azerbaijan  Nakhichevan'Azerbaijan, Naxç©van
… dozens of women were sitting on the floor inside a wet cave for hours! I asked what were they doing, and an old woman said to me that they were waiting for rain drops to fall over their body and head from the top of the cave, what is considered sacred. When the first drop falls, they ask a desire, almost always involving fertility or finding a good husband.

I thanked her and when I continued my trekking, ... Oh! this is still more amazing because …

(sorry for the quality of the picture, the atmosphere was very humid)
Uploaded: Jan, 06 2008 | Taken: Oct, 25 2007| Viewed: 50 times  | 4 votes

davidx - Jan, 06 2008 03:01pm
Jorge - you don't need to apologise for a poor picture in this amazing sequence.

horourke - Jan, 06 2008 06:01pm
This is a picture that would fit well into the top hundred at Globo. The atmosphere of waiting the sacred drops from stalactites is well captured and there is a hint of comopolitan dress among the waitin believers. The humidity evident in the picture emphasises the nature of the milieu described.
In fact I have refrained from rating it as any attempt to do so adequately would bring a storm of indignation. Nevertheless I think there could be an index somewhere in Globo for pictures of pictures of lesser technical quality which have enormous travel interest.

horourke - Jan, 06 2008 06:01pm
There is a wealth of detail in the picture waiting to be drawn out by basic enhancement. As a n example I have posted a copy of this picture enhanced (with special note that it is not stolen but only an example) and I will delete it if I live until tomorrow.

joe_schmidt - Jan, 06 2008 06:01pm
Hugh, I agree with that we move from rating "evidence of travel" to "sharp, colorful, nice wheather". I encourage you to give this one the vote you planned and don't bother if others think different. Sometimes "evidence of travel" is a whole only with the accompanying text, the story behind. And often the best travel pictures or stories are not high gloss.

rangutan - Jan, 06 2008 09:01pm
Hugh/Joe, this 3*/4* is something very different to some 1*/2* images like and shows exactly how much more interesting and important a low quality (dark and complex) image is compared with a (colourful and sharp) tourist shot. All of us should read the rating guidelines occasionally. They are NOT rules or in no way demanding, just recommended to make GLOBO better. Thanks to 99% of members rating responsibly and intelligently.

Jorge, numeration of this wonderful picture-story series will help. I think some will read the story backwards from the 24-hour review. Otherwise create a slide-show?

I am sorry to disappoint any believers (I believe in miracles) but I think the rain inside the cave is a result of condensation of moisture released from sweaty climbers on the cold rocks on the cave roof?

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