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Ararat Mountain (for Marianne)'s by jorgesanchez

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information about armenia  YerevanArmenia, Yerevan
Mount Ararat is very close to Yerevan, Armenia capital, but well into Turkish territory. It is a double mountain. I was travelling from Yerevan to Nagorno Karabakh and when the passengers and driver noticed my interest in the mountains, they stopped the bus just for me, to give me time to get off and take some pictures. So nice people the Armenians! And the Turks too, of course. But their borders are closed (and their minds, too).
I would like to propose to clean their minds, Armenians and Turks minds, from all the rubbish and hatred that the politics and history books have stuffed into them, and then teach them that we are just humane beings sharing a beautiful planet, and that there is so much to discover and admire in this lovely world, that there is no time to hate each other.
Uploaded: Dec, 08 2007 | Taken: Oct, 10 2007| Viewed: 38 times  | 3 votes

marianne - Dec, 08 2007 10:12am
Jorge, Thanks a lot. Ararat looks as beautiful as I remember it.

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