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Pagan rites sanctuary's by jorgesanchez

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information about azerbaijan  Nakhichevan'Azerbaijan, Naxç©van
Where now stands the most famous Nakhicevan monument ( Momine Khatun Mausoleum), now you can see the remains of the old pagan statues used for ceremonies before Christianity (when the area was in Armenian possession) and Islam was implanted in that part of the world.
Uploaded: Jan, 06 2008 | Taken: Oct, 19 2007| Viewed: 65 times  | 3 votes

davidx - Jan, 06 2008 02:01pm
Jorge - a very fine picture. Do you know what the hole is about in the nearest one?
At the Cidadela in Braganña, Portugal there is a preaching cross rising from a prehistoric pig - was there something of the sort here?

jorgesanchez - Jan, 06 2008 08:01pm
davidx, there was a women in this monumental complex, a kind of guide, very friendly, who told me that before the apparition in that area of the Monotheist religions (Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam), there were sacrifices before these statues, such as slaughters of lambs (what Muslims still do today) asking the Forces of the Nature help for better weather conditions, rain, green grass for the livestock, etc.
Unfortunately I have not been in Cidadela, Portugal, to compare.

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