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Three friends in Chukotka's by jorgesanchez

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information about russia  YanrakinotRussia, Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
The dogs live in Yanrakinot, a Chukchi settlement not too far from Provideniya.
Uploaded: Oct, 26 2008 | Taken: Aug, 15 2008| Viewed: 332 times  | 16 votes

pesu - Oct, 26 2008 06:10pm
What a lovely pic of friendship and sharing the same interests.

adampl - Oct, 26 2008 06:10pm
Excellent capture!!!

krisek - Oct, 26 2008 07:10pm
Jorge, this one is really funny! It put smile on my face. Well done, indeed.

plancarpin - Oct, 27 2008 08:10am
Jorge, this pic is sooo cute!! what are they looking to?

jorgesanchez - Oct, 27 2008 03:10pm
Jean-Philippe, they are just looking at the horizon. Later I will post more pics about these pretty dogs.

pesu - Oct, 27 2008 03:10pm
Jorge - yes, do it soon, I am looking forward to it...

mistybleu - Oct, 27 2008 04:10pm
It's like an optical illusion. I love it - so cute.

jorgesanchez - Oct, 27 2008 05:10pm
Petra, I do not find now the pictures of the Siberian dogs, but I have just posted 4 more Chukotka pictures with animals’ subjects.
I hope that you will like them.

gloriajames - Oct, 28 2008 12:10am
Great pic! Are they your new pets?? (";)

jorgesanchez - Oct, 28 2008 05:10am
Gloria, no, these are not my pets, although I love dogs. I already have in Spain a female cat, called Kiss Kiss.

basia - Oct, 28 2008 06:10am
Small animals always arouse feelings, they must be very small, fall on the tree trunk.

aufgehts - Oct, 29 2008 09:10pm
Gorgeous dogs beautifully captured! Were they still puppies or were they full grown?

jorgesanchez - Oct, 30 2008 10:10pm
Jill, they were young, but already worked in winter carrying sleighs.

rangutan - Nov, 10 2008 01:11pm
A cute lot. Well done! [4.7]

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