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Aggie Grey Hotel

information about samoa  Apia - Samoa

This hotel was a meeting point during the Second World War. It is one of these legendary hotels in the world, type Raffles in Singapore, where when walking through its corridors you experiment a déjà vue sensation.
It is located just close to the airport and sometimes there are performances of Polynesian dances when you can just get in, order a cocktail and sit to watch the show.

I was so lucky! My flight from Apia to Nadi was delayed one day and all the customers were lodged in Aggie Grey! Hurrah! Can you imagine? I had slept during a whole week in the beach or for free in the Bahai Temple, and suddenly I received such a gift, and with Samoan music!

Address: downtown Apia

Phone: + (685) 22880
Price: exclusive

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