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Amazing boat journey

One of the best boat journeys in South America is the one between Puerto Natales and Puerto Montt, or vice versa. It takes three days and is not expensive at all. The ticket will include you four meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus a snack at 5 PM called “once”, consisting on canapés plus coffee with milk.

The Pan-American road finishes in Puerto Montt, and to get to the south of Chile you have to fly, enter Argentina by bus and then back to Chile, or take the boat.

You will see the Andes, many islands and some small villages along the way, where you can get off the ship and visit them for a short time in a motorboat.
The only bad time, if you are not a sailor, is when the ship enters the Golfo de las Penas. Many passengers remain in the cabin and even tie with the belts to the bed, because the ship, owing to the strong waves, moves from one side to the other and you have the feeling that it will overturn. Most of the passengers do not have dinner that night.

Address: Puerto Natales, south of Chile
Puerto Natales
Magallanes y Antártica Chilena
Phone: + no available
Price: mid range

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