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Climbing Sinai Mountain (2285 metres)

information about egypt  Dahab - Egypt, Janøb S¿nå'

This is an unique experience. The top of the Mount Sinai, or Gebel Musa, is where God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses after the Hebrews escaped from Egypt.

You can get there by direct buses from Cairo, from Sharm al-Sheikh, or from the nearest and easiest place, the lovely Dahab (which in Arabic means gold).

Usually the trek starts from the valley, in the Greek Orthodox Monastery of Saint Catherine, founded in the III century and extended by the Emperor Justinian I during the VI century.

The best is to start the afternoon and sleep there to watch the sunrise. There is a chapel, almost always locked, with a patio to expand your sleeping bag. The view from there is awe-inspiring!

You have two ways to walk up, the stairs and the path. It is advisable to start by the path and descend by the stairs.

Once down the Greek monks will give you hospitality and fresh water from the well. You can sleep in its dormitory for a few piasters. Otherwise there are 3 stars hotels near.

Address: Sinai Peninsula
Janøb S¿nå'
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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