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Equator monument

information about indonesia  Pontianak - Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat

Pontianak is the capital of West Kalimantan and a pleasant town to visit for its palafitos on the margin of the Rivers Kapuak and Landak, a Dayak longhouse, or the XVIII century Sultan Palace since the times when Pontianak was the capital of an independent Sultanate. The population are a mixture of Malay, Chinese (Hakka), and Dayak races.

At a few kilometres from the downtown you can visit the twelve metres high Equator monument, constructed by the Dutch. Catch a bemo to get there. The entrance is free and there is in front a shop selling souvenirs related to the monument. Every visitor plays putting a leg on one side of a imaginary line and the other leg on the other side, then swings from the northern to the southern hemisphere.

The monument is not as spectacular as the one in Ecuador, South America, but more interesting than the one in Uganda.

Address: Jalan Khatulistiwa
Kalimantan Barat
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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