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Restaurant Kisama

information about angola  Barra do Cuanza - Angola, Luanda

This is a very pleasant restaurant very frequented by rich locals and Portuguese expatriates. It is located at the border with the National Park Kisama, at one side of the River Cuanza.
It is located at about 70 kilometres south of Luanda and you will need to change buses in Gomes e Irmao. For the second part of that journey it is better to hitchhike because the buses are few and far between.
Count a whole day to get there and back to Luanda, but it is worth. The atmosphere besides the powerful River Cuanza is unforgettable; you will hear unknown sounds from exotic birds.
There are many military controls along the way but they treat foreigners very well.
Ah, by the way! food in Kisama Restaurant is stupendous! And the beers are Sagres, directly imported from Lisbon.

Address: National Park Kisama
Barra do Cuanza
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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