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The battle of Kurukshetra

information about india  Delhi - India, Delhi

If you love India and its philosophy you should not miss Kurukshetra, where took place the famous battle, theme of the epic poem of the Bhagavad Gita, written by the rishi Veda Vyasa.

It s located in Haryana, and you can stop there in your journey from Delhi to Pakistan or vice versa.

I reached Kurukshetra by train and asked the sadhus for the place of the battle. They sent me to Jyotisar, about 7 kilometres further. I walked there and stayed three days and nights with the sadhus in an ashram with a pool. I was one more of them. Everyday the faithful Hindus brought us food and sweets as prasaad for the pujas.

According to my sadhus friends, a sacred banyan tree that was standing in the ashram was eternal, and the only surviving witness of the battle of Kurukshetra between the kauravas and pandavas, that lasted 18 days, like the chapters of the holy book.

Jyotisar is for the Hindus as Jerusalem is for the Christians, Mecca for the Muslims or Etchmiadzine for the Armenians.

Address: In Jyotisar, Haryana
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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