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The Police Museum and the death penalty

information about malaysia  Kuching - Malaysia

Enjoying the pleasant Kuching (which in Malay means “cat”) I determined to visit in the other side of the river what looked a beautiful palace. I crossed the Sarawak River and entered the site which happened to be the Police Museum. In the middle I saw an exhibition gallows to hang the prisoners, represented by puppets!

In the past that Museum was a Fort called Margherita erected during the second half of the XIX century to protect the “Cat City” of pirates.

As every traveller knows, before getting to Malaysia, especially overland, you have to check your bag in case some outlaw has hidden narcotics in it. If the Police catch somebody with this forbidden stuff he will be punished with the death penalty.

Believe me if I tell you that I got more satisfaction after I visited the Museum devoted to the cats!

Address: across the river Sarawak

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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