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Krys's Guest Book

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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Emerald Isle

Posted: 2018-04-08 09:53 PM   
Hi Krys,

I hope you are well.

Thanks very much for reviewing my report on Ireland. It was only a short visit as I was on business, but Galway was incredible and I would love to return.

Enjoy your week.




Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Unliked photos?

Posted: 2018-04-03 02:42 PM   
I am enjoying reviving some of your pictures of the past that were ignored. I have noticed that the many pictures you take from various angles are very effective in your slide shows.

Your album is fine. I am sure that members like your photography, see that you have only a few ** ratings, perhaps only 2% of your entire gallery! I/we may have made some nasty comments in the past but please consider those as POSITIVE-criticism. You and Misty have the BEST cameras of the active members, a great advantage over others. If there is any image that you think is badly rated, please show me and I will tell you what is wrong and right about it? Note: in the early years there were members who insisted that NO people should be seen in travel photography. I found that nonsense those days I like and appreciate the folk and culture I see in your material. Thanks!



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752

Krys, our young top Weltbummler

Posted: 2018-03-31 11:31 PM   
i am now discovering some your wildst experiences, have 800+ images to go through and rate the next week or so. I know that you do not want or take part in a grading system but is very important FEEDBACK for all of us and hope you will take a little bit of your precious time to give us your opinions on our images too. RRG


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2016-05-23 05:21 PM   
Hey Krys,

Oh wow, Angola it must be great. Lucky you.

I wouldn't have your contribution taken off as we posted our experiences to share with the world and even though the community isn't as vibrant as it used to be people still read our contributoion. I was surprised that one of my reports had over 6k views.

Best regards, Amanda


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Travel iBooks

Posted: 2016-05-22 05:01 AM   
Hey Krys,

I just checked out some of your iBooks and they are amazing. What a brilliant idea to continue to share your stories to a much wider audience. I hope it's going well.



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Sri lanka

Posted: 2015-09-27 02:19 PM   
Hi Krystal,
I hope you are well.
Thanks for your comments


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2015-05-10 12:30 PM   
Hey Krys,

I still enjoy posting reports every now and again, so thanks for reading it.

I hope everything is alright with you.



Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399


Posted: 2015-02-03 08:16 AM   
Hi Krys,
I hope that you are doing well.
Thank you for reading and rating my report about Normandy. For me it is one of the nicest parts of France. I really enjoyed being there.

Many happy travels in 2015!!


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

South Korea

Posted: 2015-01-31 08:20 PM   
Hey Krys,

Thanks for your comments; it had been such a long time since I have posted a report and it was fun. I loved South Korea, and Seoul is a very interesting city with amazing culture. I would love to go back.

Maybe one of these good days.


Joined: Jun 05
Points: 1690

Dopiero dzis zauwazylem wpis :)

Posted: 2013-12-03 11:19 AM   
Dzieki za zauwazenie moich wpisow przez tak doswiadczonego podroznika jak Ty. Nam jak wiesz sie udalo zauwazylismy ostrzezenia w tv gdzies w hotelu czy knajpie, coz nie kazdemu..
Gdy ogladalem zniszczenia w tv np z Legazpi gdzie bylismy w przeddzien dopiero wtedy sobie uswiadomilem ze wlasciwie nie wiedzielismy co sie tak naprawde szykuje, bardziej nas stamtad wyploszyly deszcze monsunowe niz samo ostrzezenie o tajfunie, jak zapewne wiesz nasza glowna pasja sa wulkany a przy takich deszczach nie bylo mowy o wejsciu (wspominalem o tym tu) gdyby nie te deszcze najprawdopodobniej mimo ostrzezen pojechalibysmy wlasnie do Tacloban.
A co do samych Filipin, mysle ze z Twoim doswiadczeniem to bardziej wypad weekendowy niz jakiekolwiek wyzwanie, ludzie sympatyczni, powszechny angielski, ceny przyzwoite, tyle ze trzeba zasadniczo przyjechac specjalnie tu bo wlasciwie przez Filipiny to nigdzie nie jest "po drodze" :) Pozdrawiamy, Beata i Remik.

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